wildlife photography through the lens of an animator

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Looking at the photo above, I guess I can let the Melon and the Quokka be the cutest marsupials, because the Echidna is not a marsupial.
But it sure is extremely cute!

A cute little tank. Always focused, with one thing in mind: "Find ants!".

I have seen bushfire survivors, with a few molten spines, but as determined and as lively as any other.
I've seen them cross creeks and climb hollow tree trunks up to a meter above ground.

Amazing little creatures!
Spotting one always makes my day special.

Short-beaked Echidna, Tasmania
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Tuesday, May 11, 2021


When I go up the hill I sometimes spot wallabies, esp. during the cold months.
I often wonder whether their presence is linked to the vegetation cycles or water availability. Or maybe even their yearly reproductive cycles?

I've tried to speak with other bushwalkers, but no one really seems to be interested or knowledgeable...
Sadly, most people that I'd meet up there are mad greenies, who are happy that 'finally the UN is taking over the conservation'.

This is why I like to walk and photograph alone.

Red-necked (Bennett's) Wallaby, Tasmania
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Monday, May 10, 2021


I call the Ringtail Possums "the Mousies".
It's always a joy when I hear them after sunset and see them run like crazy along the thinnest of branches.
Beautiful, agile and cute beasties, with gentle calls and amazing acrobatic skills.

When winter approaches, they carry twigs and leaves with their curled tails to build comfy warm dreys.

Here, there is also at least one Eastern Pygmy Possum, probably more. But they are literally as fast as Speedy Gonzalez, much more difficult to spot and completely impossible to photograph. But even just seeing them is such a treat!
Pygmy Mousies :)

Common Ringtail Possum, Tasmania
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Sunday, May 9, 2021


Together with the Quokka, Tasmanian Pademelons are among the cutest marsupials.

I spot them quite often when I walk through the gully, but photographing them is not easy. Almost always they disappear quickly in the thick shrubs. The gully is always shady and quite dark and my old camera struggles to expose well even at high ISO.

But a few times I've had magical moments when a mother 'melon would let me stay close while she feeds and her joey hops around totally unafraid of my presence.

And here is a Bandicoot.
It just appeared out of nowhere, while I was quietly photographing a wallaby. Walked quickly past me, sniffing under the fallen leaves. A minute later it had already disappeared.
It was so great to see a Bandicoot during the day.

Above: Tasmanian Pademelon, Southern Brown Bandicoot, Tasmania
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Saturday, May 8, 2021


I love seeing the brushies.

I often get up at night to try to spot them and I don't mind at all when they wake me up with their squeals, roars and hisses. I even recognize their individual voices.
There are 3 colour variants here where I live: Grey with cream tummy, Chocolate red, and Dark chocolate with cream tummy.

I'm told that today is Mother's day in the anglo world.
All praise and medals should go to the Chocolate red female possum on the photos below - a heroic, gentle and caring mother, whom I've known for 6 years already.

She raised two healthy, happy kids one after the other this year alone!

Brushtail Possums, Tasmania
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Friday, May 7, 2021

Signs of life

I haven't posted for over two years, it seems.

Thank you to all the hundreds of good people who emailed me over this period to ask whether I was OK and to say how much they all miss the regular updates.

It is heartwarming to know that even people who are first-time visitors enjoyed the photos that much to actually make the effort to say 'hi'.

Thank you!

I'm well.
I've been very busy with work and my other big project - Flanimate Power Tools.
I keep taking photos with my old Canon. Posting less frequently allows me to detach and choose only the good ones to show here eventually.

The last year has been the best one for Hobart in a long time. Thanks to the nasty Chinese virus, Tasmanian borders have been closed and all the tourists and international students have disappeared, so locals could regain some breathing space, some air.
The animals seem happier too.

The Robin Family

I observed a pair of Scarlet Robins build a nest and successfully raise 3 chicks.
It was wonderful!

More birdies

And below are just a few more bird photos from the last few months.

In this post: Grey Fantail, Grey Currawong, Green Rosella, Golden Whistler, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Scarlet Robin - all photographed in Tasmania.
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Monday, December 31, 2018

Some photos from 2018

2018 was a very busy year for me.
As usual I kept taking photos with my old camera, but until now I did not have the time to go through them and choose some to post. My initial intention was to make only one entry, but the oystercatchers stood out and demanded their own post.

This one will be just a collection of images. As always, each one has its own story, which I tend to somehow always remember, but these stories will remain untold.

Happy New Year!
Hope to see you around again some time in 2019. Enjoy the captured moments!

above: Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Green Rosella, Juv. Galah, Eastern Rosella, Tasmania
above: Red-necked (Bennet's) Wallabies, Tasmania
above: Tasmanian Scrubwren, Grey Fantail, Silvereye, Common Starling, Black-faced Cormorant, Tasmania
above: Sammy, the New Zealand Fur Seal, Tasmania
above: Masked Lapwing, Grey (Clinking) Currawong. Juv. Australian Magpie, Tasmanian nativehen, Yellow Wattlebird, Noisy Miner, Juv. Grey Butcherbird, Tasmania
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